First off...this is Becca!! YAY!! (that's my own personal "wahooo") I haven't posted in quite some time because Courtney has really been enjoying being able to log in as me and do her thing by addressing you all personally. I have to admit ~ I have REALLY missed writing under the avenue of this blog! I had never really "written" ANYTHING before I started this blog unless the Dean of my University deemed it necessary depending on what class I was enrolled in at any given time in my collegiate career. Now, I find myself wondering...
I never knew I would fall in love with the art of writing until I started writing about something that was so close to my heart! All that being is the REAL reason for my post:
We are having another FUNdraiser (clever, I know...FUNd) - hehe. I witnessed, first-hand the success of the last "piggy-back" fundraiser at my house with the fine Sterling Jewelry and Kelly's Kids' combined efforts. It was Sooo successful for the Harris Family, that I've decided to open up my home and do it AGAIN! Those of you that attended can't tell me you didn't have a good time!! (just stop it...don't even try) Those of you that ordered can't tell me you haven't been enjoying your fabulous Sterling silver jewelry (pah-leez) or that your children haven't been getting admiration stares all over the place due to their adorable Kelly's Kids clothing (I've had people come close to offering to buy the clothing off my girls' backs ~ I'm not kidding)!
There are only two differences this time around: There is a NEW catalog that just launched for the 2009-2010 line of sterling silver fun-tastic jewelry!! AND
I am personally the Jewelry Rep this time! Tracy Sullivan was the Rep last time we did this. She showed me how successful you can be in this business so I decided to start my OWN jewelry business!! Sooo, I
too will be offering
100% of my commission to the Harris Family for this event! The last event at my home raised over $1800 for the Harris Family even before Courtney's Kelly's Kids commission was tallied. For those of you that don't know ~ Courtney is a local rep for Kelly's Kids boutique children's clothing. Courtney receives commission from any/all sales her trunk shows do this Fall. If you have little ones, little-ish ones or even nieces/nephews/grandkids....and don't want to dress them in what the local stores have to offer, you should visit!!
My trunk show with Courtney is scheduled for Saturday Sept. 12th at 6pm. We will also have a table set up displaying a great sample of the sterling silver jewelry as well as some of the newest pieces in the 2009-2010 line. Again ~ I want to remind you that we were able to collect over $1800 in funds for the Harris Family this last Spring. I would
LOVE to try to
BEAT that!! I
KNOW you all will help me in helping Carter and his family, right?? I haven't been let down by any of you and I find it hard to believe it would happen now!!
THIS IS AN OPEN HOUSE FORUM JUST LIKE THE LAST TIME...CAN'T MAKE IT AT 6PM?? THEN COME AT 9PM!! I'm very easy to get along with :) If you are interested in taking part in this fundraiser, here are your options:
You can come Party With Me (I'm really fun, people have told me) I promise to have yummy snacks and adult beverages on hand (CHILDREN ARE WELCOME ~ I HAVE FOUR OF MY OWN, HOW CAN I TURN
Saturday, September 12th @ 6pm
9 Garner Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22405
You can contact me by:
(540)898-6406 H
(703)371-7765 C
If you are unable to come to the open house on September 12th, you can always view the Kelly's Kids Fall '09 collection at (but Courtney won't receive commission unless you specifically list her name). Please feel free to contact me anyway that works best for you!
I truly hope to see a LOT of new faces for those of you that were unable to attend my first open house and am looking forward to seeing those of you that were able to make it so we can do it all over again!